Teacher's Website

Jeff Berkeley, M.S.



Old Tests ==> HERE!

Welcome to my educational website!
Here you will find my educational schedule, syllabi,
California State Standards, lots of features, reference,
review materials, actual class notes, old exams,
and, oh yeah........lot of fun stuff, too...

Here is the brand new dungeon crawl chemistry adventure:
Chemistry Adventure v1.0.0 (just unzip and play!)

This website is always

Class Syllabi
What is to be covered
in each class this year?

Grading Policies

(changed for Spring...look!)

Your Assignments HERE*!
Old Tests HERE!

New Chemistry Reference Page and More! HERE!
New Physics Reference Page and More! HERE!

Class Schedule 2019-2020

Hot Links to 1000 places...
Try it, you'll like it...

BRAND NEW -- Kahoot Review Quizzes -- Now online
Search kahoot.com for fractalier (me) and find thirteen
twenty-question review quizzes! And more to come!

What can you find here? Bet you'll be surprised...

New Virtual Fractal Mathematics Gallery! ==> HERE!

New Science Charts Pages - Tons of Useful Charts ==> HERE!

Why I Demand Using a Pencil When Doing Calculations ==> HERE!


This year's chemistry and honors chemistry is more complete, more comprehensive, and hopefully more productive and fun than last year's unfortunately abbreviated version...more labs and more demonstrations!

Calculus BC is still moving along -- the brave souls
in the class are doing their very best to succeed!

PARENTS! Ask your student what they learned today. Have them teach it to you to help guarantee comprehension!

Stay informed by me directly!

My Personal Page ==> Here!!
Teacher: Jeff Berkeley, M.S

Copyright 2018, 2019, 2020. All rights reserved. Last update = 5/15/20